Compliance with UK, EU, US Sanctions Regarding Russian Individuals and Entities.

The Stape acknowledges and understands that certain Russian individuals, organizations, companies, and other entities are subject to sanctions imposed by the United Kingdom and European Union under "The Russia (Sanctions) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019" and US Public Law 115 - 44 - Countering America's Adversaries Through Sanctions Act. UK/ EU/ US companies are prohibited from engaging in transactions with, or transferring value to, such sanctioned entities and individuals.

The Stape confirms that, as of the date of signing an Agreement with other parties, neither The Stape nor any of its owners, shareholders, officers, directors, employees, business ventures, or any of their family members are subject to UK / EU / US sanctions.

The Stape further confirms that neither it, nor any of its owners, shareholders, officers, directors, employees, business ventures, or their family members, are connected to or engaged in business relationships with any sanctioned individuals, companies, organizations, or entities as defined by UK/EU/US laws.

The Stape confirms that neither it, nor any of its business ventures, owners, shareholders, officers, directors, employees, or their family members, are affiliated with any Russian governmental subdivisions, agencies, instrumentalities, or government officials in Russia in a manner that would breach UK/EU/US sanctions.
No portion of Company’s payments to The Stape will be directed to or used for the benefit of any sanctioned individuals, organizations, companies, or entities as per UK/EU/US sanctions law.

No portion of Company’s payments to The Stape will be used in any manner that threatens the peace, security, stability, or territorial integrity of any country, in accordance with UK/EU/US foreign policy and sanctions.

No portion of Company’s payments to The Stape will be used to support, advance, or benefit actions or policies that restrict human rights or fundamental freedoms in Russia or any other country, or limit access to various media channels, consistent with UK sanctions objectives.

Throughout the terms of any Agreements with other parties, The Stape shall comply with the UK/EU/US sanctions laws as outlined in Sections 11.1 through 11..4. Should The Stape, any of The Stape’s business ventures, owners, shareholders, officers, directors, employees or any of their family members become subject to UK/EU/US sanctions, or establish prohibited relationships with sanctioned individuals, companies, organizations, or entities, The Stape shall promptly inform the Company in writing. Upon such notification, the Parties shall arrange an urgent phone or video conference to discuss the implications.

The Stape acknowledges that being subject to UK/EU/US sanctions may result in the immediate suspension or termination of any Agreements, to ensure compliance with UK/EU/US sanctions laws, in addition to any other termination provisions set forth in any Agreements.